Assessment can be either formal or informal. Formal assessment usually implies a written document such as a test, checklist or paper. A formal assessment is given a numerical score or a grade based on performance, whereas an informal assessment does not contribute to quantifiable grade and may be more unstructured to include observation, self-evaluation, interviews and discussion. Assessment establishes measurable and clear outcomes, implementing a systematic way of gathering, analyzing and interpreting evidence and using the collected information for interventions or guidance.
The purpose of assessment practices depends on the theoretical framework of the practitioners and researchers, their assumptions and beliefs about the nature of the methods and its uses.
A good assessment has both validity and reliability for a specific context and purpose. It can aid in understanding of the person or situation as well as be indicators of appropriate therapy and treatment methods. In practice, an assessment is rarely totally valid or totally reliable. It needs to be done as a first step in analysis and therapy.
- Developmental Assessments for cognitive development, sensory processing, motor functioning, gross and fine motor development and activities of daily living of young children.
- Educational Assessments for grade and syllabus appropriate evaluation and for Dyslexia or Learning Disability.
- Psychological Assessments for IQ, Personality, Learning disability, Career Aptitude, Social Skills, Developmental disabilities, Attention deficit disorders in children and adults, Anxiety, OCD, Depression, Autism spectrum disorders, Multiple Intelligence, Mental Retardation.
- Speech Assessments for fluency, articulation, age appropriate development and communication disorders.
- We are authorised to use the following STANDARDISED PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS:
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests III
- State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
- Ravens Colored Progressive Matrices
- Ravens Crichton Vocabulary Scale
- Minnesota Multiphasic Inventory II
- Career Decision Making Test
- My Choice My Future [aptitude test]
- Cogmed Online training
- Browns Attention Deficit Disorder Scales
- Launch into Reading Success
- Social Skills Improvement System
- Dyslexia Screening Test – Junior
- Dyslexia Screening Test – Senior
- Beck Youth Inventory II
- Vineland Adaptive Behaviors Scales II
- Structure of Intellect by Energia SoI
- Sensory Profile for children, adolescents and adults
- Managing Attitudes and Performances Potential by Oscar Murphy Life Strategists Pvt Ltd.
[we hold licence for administration, report and interpretation]

- We also conduct the following psychological tests:
- Binet Kamat Test of Intelligence
- Seguin Form board Test of intelligence
- Wechsler Adult Performance Intelligence Scale
- Motivational Test for Students
- Visuo-Motor Integration Stepping Stones
- Temperament Scales
- Schonells Reading and Spelling Tests
- Burt Reading Test
- Handedness Test
- Maladaptive Behavior test
- Sentence completion test
- Tests for Depression
- Test for Anxiety
- Test for OCD
- Test for Autism and Aspergers
- Stress Evaluation Scale
- Multiple Intelligence Scale
- Video Game Addiction indicator scale
- Children’s Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
- Child Behavior Checklist for 6 – 18 years
- Self Esteem Scale
- Relationship Satisfaction Scale
- Pediatric Symptom Scale
- OCD – CY-BOS for children
- Social Phobia inventory
- Sentence Completion Blank
- Draw -a -Man personality projective Test
- Children’s Apperception test [projective personality test for children]
- Thematic Apperception test [projective personality test for adults]
- Ravens Controlled Projection test for children
- Advanced Progressive Matrices
- Bender Gestalt Test
- Bender Visual Retention Test