Technology - Boon or Bane
Technology refers to the practical application of scientific knowledge for a purpose. Technology enhances the usefulness of goods and services. It aims at creating value. Technology can be both material and non-material (virtual). Technology includes instruments, tools, machines and other devices that benefit human life from simple to complex. It also includes the capability and skills required to apply the knowledge. Technology is one of the most valuable tools that we have available at our finger tips every day. You can do virtually anything with your smart phone, tablet, or computer. From seeing what time a movie starts, ordering a pizza, and paying your bills the possibilities for technology are endless. And not only are they endless, they are constantly improving to make the things we have to do everyday easier. Whereas technology once lived in our world, we now live in a world of technology. A study found that households with kids ages four to fourteen own, on average, eleven consumer- electronics devices.

Advantages: We can look around and see the various effects of technology on food industry, consumerism, industrial, business, comfort, utilisation of resources, travel, communication, education, healthcare, architecture, design, arts, culture and heritage. It helps us connect with others socially, stay connected with others. It is helpful in information accessibility, it broadens knowledge, makes learning fun and has transferable skills
Disadvantages: Conversely it has resulted in increase of pollution, depletion of resources, stress, social alienation, health issues, psychiatric disorders, materialism, excessive dependency, wastage of time, health, information glut, inappropriate information, disconnected youth, cyberbullying, cyberstalking and cybercrime. It is a major distraction for all ages, leads to ‘dumbing down’ and making people excessively dependent on technology.
Technology and Children:
Kids today have access to so much technology and there has been a lot of discussion in the media about whether this is a good or a bad thing. If our children are to take full advantage of the potential benefits offered by new forms of digital learning, then access to appropriate technology is essential. It can be more fun, cater to unique learning styles, make for interesting presentations, reading skills, comprehension, problem solving, critical thinking, memorising, navigating and data-collecting, motivation as children want to finish tasks so they can win the games.

As of today, we can say it is futile, and some say maybe unfair, to keep children totally away from technology. Its time to create a new definition of “screen time”. We have to be conscious that our limited knowledge of effects of most electronic gadgets is that emit electromagnetic fields, and children’s still-developing skulls are thinner than adults’. It is therefore necessary to be cautious. Make sure you have many “active” toys compared to “passive” ones. As long as there are always boundaries, and explanations from adults about how to use technology properly, it may play an important role in kids’ development.
Limited exposure to educational television may have a positive impact on your child, but a household where the TV is blaring all day will not. From a developmental point of view, interactive entertainment is always a better option. Sit with them as they see TV and use your gadgets. Do not let them use these gadgets for hours on end. Debate with them about the content they see. Let them learn to discriminate what they see and hear and make their own judgment and form their own opinions. Delete features and perks kids don’t need (e-mail, Internet, instant messaging). Children should use the Internet under supervision as the Internet has countless dark alleys that you don’t want your child stumbling upon. Make sure there is a lot of non-digital time with family and friends.
My personal favourite quote on relaltionships is the following:
“The key here is supervision and for younger children, do it together. Forget about tracking software: You are the most effective monitoring device!” ―